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October Studio Process
Past two months, the studio has been in full production mode, finalizing the collection for the November 14th Solo Show, "A Kind Soul Is...
Summer '24: Studio & Living Quarters at East Village Home Studio
July to August 2024, Storm has been actively working in studio on her new collection, "A Kind Soul Is A Cool Soul." With over 30 pieces...
Tattoo Work: "The Cool People" & "The Cool Cats"
Since 2020, Storm began tattooing variations of "The Cool People" and "The Cool Cats" for clients at her West Village Private Studio and...
Esoteric Education: Tarot, Palmistry & Frank Andrews
Early 2014, I discovered a truly unique soul, Frank Andrews. Perhaps one of the best influences of my lifetime, he became not only a...
"The Cool People" & "Emit Time" at West Village Home Studio and Storm Ritter Studio
From 2014 to 2023, the artist resided at her West Village home studio on Bleecker and Christopher Street in Greenwich Village. This space...
Studio Cat Velvet: Muse of "The Cool Cat"
Learn about the inspiration for the fine art featuring, "The Cool Cat."
Design In Studio: "The Cool Cats"
Venus, Orbit, Thunder, Jupiter, Luna, Lavender, Indigo, and Velvet. These eight cats have and had a massive impact on my life since 1993....
Didactic Education: West Village Home Studio
During her college education years at NYU, Storm stressed didactic learning, so self-education was a priority. At her West Village home...
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